Well yet again face uncertainty and like many others its worrying, frustrating and tiring. A few months back I interviewed Jo Kneale, one of my favourite authors. She writes about how to Hygge the British way. If you not read any of her books I strongly recommend them. To everyone Hygge means differently to everyone and thats because its a feeling and we’re all different. In the interview Jo said to her it means security and its the same to me.

We’ve lived through uncertain time for the last 2 years, the whole world has. Covid, Inflation, lockdowns and restrictions. It can get quite overwhelming can’t it?

So in 2022 I’ve decided to create my own security, one that I can plan and it doesn’t rely on whats going on outside.

The 22 Challange – I’m going to……

Watch 22 films, save £22 per week, made 22 items, learnt 22 new things, had 22 dates, read or listen to 22 podcasts, have 22 home pamper nights, 22 weekend walks, tried 22 new recipes, had 22 no tech days, completed 22 DIY things, had 22 no spend days, had 22 lie ins, decluttered 22 times, sold 22 things, used 22 candles and 22 random acts of kindness.

The most challenging part of being uncertain is the inability to feel in control, thats completley natural. Being human, we want to know how things will go because it brings comfort. Uncertainty takes this from us. Things change too fast for us to experience this.

Our brains love certainty, its releases dopamine, its how we are designed. So lets create some certainty inwardly,

Whats going to be on your 22 lists?


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