On Monday this week we headed back to Birmingham Childrens Hospital to see the surgeon and I’m so pleased to say that Ben is still doing way better than anyone expected.

On Tuesday this week he had a physio appointment and yet again he’s doing way better than expected.

Today ( Wednesday) he’s headed back off to sixth form …………. a whole four months before he should do.

i’m so very proud of him.

You see it really shows you that if you really want something bad enough it can happen. Bens always pushed the medical boundaries since he was born.

Some people would say its a miracle but knowing Ben for 17 years I know it’s sheer determination to get what he wants………..not bad eh?

So the message today is don’t settle for what life has handed you, work hard for the life you want because it’ll never be handed to you on a plate. It might sound impossible, but if your clear on what you want your life to be like you’ll put the effort in and you’ll start seeing the rewards.


2 responses to “Another Milestone Reached”

  1. b1968amanda1971 Avatar

    That’s great news Ami.

    I agree with everything you said.

    Betty x

    On Wed, 8 Dec 2021, 11:33 The Art Of Simple Living, wrote:

    > Ami posted: ” On Monday this week we headed back to Birmingham Childrens > Hospital to see the surgeon and I’m so pleased to say that Ben is still > doing way better than anyone expected. On Tuesday this week he had a physio > appointment and yet again he’s doing wa” >


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