Sometimes when life gets a bit challenging it can take its toll on self esteem and its good to look back.

Its defiantly been a year to remember…..

January – I launched Stitch School, an online sewing school for children all over the world

In March what a chapter for a book that was released called ‘What I do to get through’ in the UK, Germany & America

And it was my birthday (in lockdown) and I made it to 40

In April the shop was allowed to reopen

In may I passed my driving test ………… freedom

In June, we won the Prestige Award for Sewing Supplies

In July, Ben reached the end of year 11 and finished secondary school.

And i got back to what I love doing and thats teaching at events.

September I ran my first ever online quilting challenge and started The Quilt Academy

And I got to interview people who inspire me.

And we ran a local craft retreat

In October I had a girly weekend in Newcastle….

And of course my little man became a medical marvel

And we hd a new member to the family.

November, I back at the teach in Harrogate at the Knitting & Stitching Show

All in all a good year. Thank you to everyone that has been part of it.


2 responses to “The Year Of 2021 !”

  1. b1968amanda1971 Avatar

    You’ve done so well mi. Keep it up

    Betty xx

    On Tue, 14 Dec 2021, 19:56 The Art Of Simple Living, wrote:

    > Ami posted: ” Sometimes when life gets a bit challenging it can take its > toll on self esteem and its good to look back. Its defiantly been a year to > remember….. January – I launched Stitch School, an online sewing school > for children all over the world http” >


    1. Ami Avatar

      Thank you x I’ll keep trying


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